GPTURL formula

Lido's GPTURL formula allows you to ask GPT a question about the contents of a web page

Lido's GPTURL formula allows you to ask GPT a question about the contents of a web page

=GPTURL(<your OpenAI credential>, url,prompt, output_cell)

Obtaining an OpenAI API key

  • Create an OpenAI account if you don't have one at; when prompted, choose API as the desired usecase.
  • On the API Key Page, press "Create new secret key".

Adding OpenAI API key to Lido

  • Type =GPTURL( in any cell in Lido. A drop down list will appear with your existing OpenAI credentials and the option to add a new OpenAI credential.

  • Press "Add Credential" to add a new credential

Example: using the GPTURL formula to compose emails

  • Here is an example of GPTURL formula being used to compose outbound marketing emails

  • To run the GPTURL action, right click on the cell containing the action and press "Run Action"

  • The result of the GPTURL call will be placed in the cell specified by the output_cell argument in the GPTURL formula. In the above example, output cell is D2